Measuring a person's body fat
percentage is not easy, and often inaccurate if the
methods are not monitored carefully. The following
methods require special equipment, trained
personnel, can be costly and some are only available
in certain research facilities:
Underwater weighing (hydrostatic weighing): This
method weighs a person underwater and then
calculates lean body mass (muscle) and body fat.
This method is one of the more accurate ones,
however, it is generally done in special research
facilities, and the equipment is costly.
is a computerized, egg-shaped chamber. Using the
same whole-body measurement principle as hydrostatic
weighing, the BOD POD measures a subject's mass and
volume, from which their whole-body density is
determined. Using this data, body fat and lean
muscle mass can then be calculated.(1)
DEXA: Dual-energy
X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is used to measure bone
density. It uses X-rays to determine not only the
percentage of body fat, but also where, and how much
fat is located in the body.
The following two methods are
simple and straightforward:
Skin calipers: This method measures the skinfold
thickness of the layer of fat just under the skin
in several parts of the body with calipers
(a metal tool similar to
forceps), the results are then calculated
and the percentage of body fat is determined.
Bioelectric impedance
analysis (BIA): Another seemingly simple
method. There are two methods of the BIA. One
involves standing on a special scale with
footpads. A harmless amount of electrical current
is sent through the body, and then percentage of
body fat is calculated. The other type of BIA,
involves electrodes that are typically placed on a
wrist and an ankle, and on the back of the right
hand and on the top of the foot. Change in voltage
between electrodes is measured. The person's body
fat percentage is then calculated from the results
of the BIA.
Health clubs and weight loss
centers often use the skin caliper or bioelectric
impedance analysis method, however, they can yield
inaccurate results if an inexperienced person
performs them or they are used on someone with
significant obesity. |